
★ You can use either my tradeform, or my dreamwidth trading post to trade with me, whichever works better for you!

★ Feel free to link your tradepile on the dw post anytime and I'll pick whatever I want. Ask for as many cards as you want and worst I'll say is give me randoms! (Unlikely considering how many decks I want...)

jump to...

(text version shows everything from every trading category including specials and new arrivals!)


you can search multiple decks at the same time,
just type decknames there (deck, deck, deck) and it will show all the results!

Specials | 66 cards

I'll trade all of these for whatever too despite how many special decks from pokemon and scrapbooks etc I want to collect... So if there's anything you want, please don't hesitate to ask for them either.

Unsorted New Characters | 462 cards

All of these will be put into tradepile at the end of the month (or sometimes after a few months), this is just for easier time for everyone to find any new cards from my tradepile.